Moin Moin from Flensburg

Located just 7 kilometers from the Danish border, Flensburg is in the very north of Germany. It’s set on the Flensburg Fjord and is a quaint town. The weather was overcast but it didn’t stop us from taking a walk around town.

‘Moin’ is a way to say ‘Good Morning’ in Germany. However, in northern Germany people will use ‘Moin moin’ throughout the day as a general greeting. Say it anywhere else though, and people will look at you funny (as I witnessed in Neubrandenburg when my friend accidentally said it to a person in a bookstore).

9 thoughts on “Moin Moin from Flensburg

  • Moin is Northern German anyway. I don’t ever hear it here. And it would sound really strange in Bavaria too.
    I love the town square with the Flensburg Bier sign on the building. I think I have changed trains in Flensburg, but certainly never into the town. We did sit across from a bunch of Flensburgers in the Becks Brewery tour. They were fun. Glad you had a good time there.

    BTW how did the further trips on the trains go?

    • Andrew- I should consult you before writing any Germany post. My friend told me about ‘Moin moin’ being just local in her area, but they also used ‘Moin’ in other towns… I’m not sure where it changes. Interesting that it’s only northern Germany though. Flensburg is a nice town to walk around. Lots of little shops and walking down by the water is nice. My train travel was much better since I had a friend with me after that. However, they still continued to be late! At least the trains are nice though!

  • You always post about the most obscure places…and then make me really want to go there. The pictures make it look so gorgeous, even in the rain. It seems like it has that sort of rainy romantic European town feel.

    • Haha, the only reason I found these obscure places was because I’m fortunate to have a friend that’s a local… one of the greatest ways to explore a place!

  • Wow, how did we miss this cute little town? Scott and I lived in Holland and Denmark and drove from the latter to the former for our Easter break one year via the northern Germany coast and never saw this quaint place!

  • Hello,
    I found your Website about a twitter posting and i am still living at Flensburg ;-) its really a nice town and if you more insider news about nice places, contact me.
    And by the way, you could say both, Moin and Moin Moin.

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